Tribute from Mrs. Unity Essel and Children

Created by Elizabeth 4 years ago

1. Fight the good fight with all thy might!
Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;
Lay hold on life, and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally.

2. Run the straight race through God’s good grace,
Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face;
Life with its way before us lies,
Christ is the path, and Christ the prize

A true son of God has been called home to rest and, though our hearts are heavy, we rejoice for him because our earthly loss is his infinite gain.

I have known Prof for over 55 years starting from our days with the Scripture Union (SU) till his passing on into glory. All these years, in spite of his age and health challenges, he kept on working hard for his MAKER while continuing to show selflessness to my family and the many others who came into contact with him. We have all known Prof to be a caring husband and wonderful father and, he and Sister Miriam, served as role models of a true Christian marriage as Paul portrays in Ephesians 5:22.

He was a humble, firm, hardworking, God-fearing, and powerful preacher of the Word who diligently “recruited” and mentored many people to carry on with God’s work. His close association and the immense strides he made together with my late husband will count as only one of the thousands he nur­tured for the Lord’s army.

A great teacher and servant of God, the SU branch in Kaneshie will forever be grateful to him as he brought meaning and understand­ing to the Word and eventually won many souls for the Lord.

The outstanding foundation Prof built with the Sunday Bible Class at Rev Joseph Thomas Clegg Memorial Methodist Church continues to yield incredible fruits. Many spiritual giants continue to emerge from this group who impact positively on stable homes, churches, society and the nation. What a testimony!

It was a privilege to work with Prof at the Kwabenya cluster of villages where his zeal for the work of God was never in doubt and he conscientiously formed a big happy family in Ga Rural; going as far as supporting and encouraging the members on their farms even while it rained so that they could all go to church together.

Beyond bringing people to Christ, Prof assisted many people to better themselves academically and improve their livelihood, just as he had endured many challenges to complete his university education, while working fulltime as well as doing mission­ary work. I believe his motto must have been “Leave No One Behind.” God bless you, Brother Joshua.

You had always been there for our family and, whenever Daddy was away, you took time off your busy schedule to visit, encourage the children and pray with them. This continued when Emmanuel went to be with the Lord. How can we ever forget? We are eternally grateful.

Till the very last day, you were touching lives. You ended very well, great and faithful serv­ant of the Most High God. Travel gently home into the open arms of our dear FATHER.

We shall meet again.

