Tribute from daughter-in-law, Phyllis Kudadjie

Created by Elizabeth 3 years ago

I did not have the chance to say “Goodbye” to my father-in-Law, but I know this is not truly goodbye, it’s simply “See you

I can never forget my last conversation with you, when you told me to continue to pray and trust in God. I am still struggling to come to terms that you are no longer with us, because you are irreplaceable. You were a man filled with God’s love, a father to countless people. You gave me a picture of how God, the Father, loves us. You left behind a good name, integrity, and many indelible happy memories that l will forever cherish.

One of such is your sense of selflessness. Anytime you came to our bookshop and we had only one copy of a particular Christian literature you wanted to purchase, you would rather we keep it for another person in urgent need of it. You would then advise that we place an order for more, and you would come then for one. Your reason was that if you took the last copy, and someone urgently in need of that same book, came later, he would be disappointed. That always reminded me of the same situation of Mary Jones not having the bible she had saved for years to buy, until the agent gave her the last copy that he had saved for someone else.

I loved the prayer and worship times we had with our families in your home. You are a father-in-law made in heaven. As a daughter-in-law, I cannot thank my parents-in-law enough for the nurture and training they provided my husband. I have received unconditional love, spiritual and practical guidance and encouragement from my parents-in-law.

I take comfort that you are resting peacefully in the bosom of our Lord.

May your sweet and calm soul rest in peace.