Tribute from Nephews and Nieces

Created by Elizabeth 4 years ago

“Then I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this, blessed are the dead who die in the lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from this labour, for their deeds will follow them.” (Revelation 14:13)

Grandpa, as we affectionately called you, your death is a total shock and a big blow to us all. We did not believe you would leave us so soon. You were such a loving, supportive, dependable, reliable, patient, and good counselor and a father we could always boast of.

Your departure to the heavenly Father was too sudden. We were with you during the family meeting at Kotobabi on the 12th of January, deliberating on your sister Salomey Mamle Kudadjie’s death and funeral arrangements. You gave us assignments and demanded the results and outcomes to be ready by our next meeting in two weeks’ time. To our uttermost surprise, we heard the shocking news of your demise some few days to the meeting date you set.

You always directed and taught us in the word of God, especially at our quarterly family gatherings at your residence. We wonder who will gather us again and insist that we speak our indigenous Ada language to our kids, instead of speaking English all the time with them, especially at home. Who will teach us how to greet and respond in our traditional custom?

Oh Grandpa, we will miss you dearly. You urged us to be responsible and we promised to complete the family house at Ada Foah. We will be resolute in accomplishing this heart’s desire of yours.

You told us to always attend church services and meetings and not just pass through, but be committed members who would be involved in working in the Lord’s vineyard. We will remember you for your gentleness and politeness of speech. One of our fondest memories of you will be when we met at your residence in December 2017 as part of our usual annual get together.

As usual you brought out the agenda for the day and shared it for all of us. On the list of items there was a caption HOW ARE YOU? One of our cousins, not knowing what you meant by the phrase, answered ‘I’m fine’ when you asked the question. You laughed gently and said the “HOW ARE YOU?” did not require the usual answer, but rather sought to find out how one was faring in one’s Christian life, marriage, family life, work, prayer life, our finances etc. We all burst out laughing and, since then, it has become a tag line any time we meet.

So, Grandpa HOW ARE YOU? Knowing ‘HOW YOU ARE,' we know that you are resting in the Lord’s bosom and rejoicing with the angels and all the host above.

Death is, indeed, inevitable and there is nothing we can do about it. We will miss you, and are already missing you. We can only take solace and consolation in the fact that you are with the Lord resting from all your works. REST WELL soldier, you toiled and laboured for the Master’s business. Your memories will still remain inour hearts.

You have paid your price and finished your work. Till we meet again, we say thank you very much for always uniting us as one
family. You were a good father to both the nuclear and extended families.

We love and will miss you forever.
Grandpa rest in the Lord.
Grandpa, mo ya wo saminya nge mawu mi.
Grandpa, wa hɛ maja ngɛ ohe!