Tribute to Da
Da, you were a good father, not perfect but you did your best. Your death is a great loss but I thank God for your life. You were affable but disciplined. Your quiet disposition was often mistaken until people got closer to you. The reason we sometimes rehearsed our words before discussing issues with you was in order not to be embarrassed by penetrating questions. You brought us up in the fear of the Lord - you did not tolerate laziness, discontentment and misbehavior.
To name a few, I remember being locked out for hours one night for watching TV at a neighbour's house. On another occasion you caught me peeping into your luggage when you arrived from one of your numerous travels. You pulled my cheeks very hard and said "a pee ja we" (that is not done). My greatest desire was to see you before you passed on but alas! God knows best. My joy is that you served the Lord till the end. You fought the good fight. You run the good race and kept the faith. This we are challenged to do as we each seek to fulfill God's divine purpose for our lives.
Rest in perfect peace.